Archived Inventory

When an inventory record is no longer offered by your source, it will be switched to "Archived"

When an item is set to "Archived", the inventory record will be set the quantity to 0.


What is Archiving?

Archiving is the concept of an inventory being "discontinued" or "no longer offered" by your Source(s).

When inventory is archived, the quantity is zeroed out for the Source.

  • If that item was only offered by one source - this will mean the quantity will then be synced up to your Product & Listing to show "Zero Quantity"
  • If there are additional Sources that offer this same item (and have NOT archived this item yet), then those Sources quantities will be factored in as normal still.

How to Find Archived Products

1. Click on the Inventory tab

2. Click Filter

3. Click Add Filter


4. Select Archived as the field 

5. Set the value to Yes/True

6. Click Apply

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