How Do Orders Work?

Table of Contents


FLX allows you to import orders from your sales channel(s) and handle the order directly in FLX.

There are 6 key areas for each order:

  • Details: The order details provide a quick summary of the order and customer information
  • Line Items: Displays the products orders by the customer 
  • Fulfillment Requests: This is the simplified version of the order that is routed to your fulfillment sources
  • Shipments: Shipments are received from your fulfillment sources once a shipment has occurred and tracking has been updated
  • Source Invoices: Invoices are automatically generated once a shipment has been added to the order
  • Timeline: Provides a detailed history of actions taken on the order

Order Life Cycle

There are 6 steps in the order life cycle:

  1. Importing: The order imports from your sales channel via the Get Orders integration on your sales channel
  2. Invoicing: The invoicing receipt is generated based on the imported order information
  3. Routing Orders: Orders are routed based on your order routing preferences when a fulfillment request is generated or manually created
  4. Processing: Flxpoint submits the fulfillment request to the selected source and receives acknowledgement in return (when applicable). This is completed via the Send Orders integration on your fulfillment source.
  5. Shipment Received: Shipment information/tracking is received from the source. This is completed via the Get Shipments integration on your fulfillment source.
  6. Shipment Sync: shipment information/tracking is synced back to the channel. This is completed via the Sync Shipments integration on your sales channel.

To see an audit of events that have occurred for a particular order, you can view the order timeline.