This page will dive into more depth about the options under the action and edit tabs in the product management section
Creating Listings
- This action will create a listing using the products that you have selected.
- This will not publish the listing to your channel
Update Products
- This action will update your product data if you have made any changes to it since its creation or since the last time you updated it.
Publish Listing
- This will publish the selected listing to any sales channels that it is connected to
Assign Inventory
- This action allows you to connect your products to a source/sources
Clear Pending Action
- This will cancel any pending actions on the selected products or listings
Hide Listings
- This will cause the listing to become inactive, not visible, or not available on your channel on the next sync job
- This will cause the listing to become active, visible, or available on the sales channel on the next sync job
Delist Listings
- This will cause the listing to be completely removed from the sales channel on the next sync job and unlink it in FLX
Pause Listings
- This will cause the listings to be frozen, which stops it from being synced or published even if it gets put into a queue
Unpause Listings
- This will cause the listings that is paused to be unpaused, which allows for the listings to receive actions again